In Germany, that contract was considered as immoral and dull. Austria had a similar case. However, the prostitutes use it to ensure payment but with the chance of the customer to get a recovery if his needs weren’t fulfilled.
==How does a Laufhaus work?==
Unlike other types of brothels, Laufhauses do not require an entry fee to be paid. Clients only have to pay the girls for the services that they are offering. Girls that work in Laufhauses have to pay rent to the landlord or the person who owns the building.
The ladies are allowed to stay in the rooms even when they are not working. After paying the rent, most of the money that the girls make stays with them and there is no third party who takes a cut of the profits.
Other than renting out the rooms, the owner of the Laufhaus updates the website with the girls that work there, informs clients about the girls and their availability.
==Popular Laufhauses in Germany==