A Laufhaus is a brothel where prostitutes have rented a room. When the waiting is free, that means that the door is open. A customer can run freely through the corridors of the house (hence the name Laufhaus, where lauf means to run and haus stands for house) to negotiate with women in their rooms, and possibly to close a Prostitutionsvertag, which is a prostitution contract that has a purpose of a service contract, to make the sexual activity legit.
In Germany, that contract was considered as immoral and dull. Austria had a similar case. However, the prostitutes use it to ensure payment but with the chance of the customer to get a recovery if his needs weren’t fulfilled.
Popular Laufhauses in Germany
Freudenhaus Hase
The House of the Pleasure bunny in Berlin is a brothel in Gesundbrunnen (district in Berlin) and also a cultural venue. As from January 3, 2005 the establishment in Berlin got the title of a brothel, and the so-called Laufhaus days began, where since 1996 up until this day, the institution functioned occasionally as a space for artists gathering, like concerts, exhibitions and theatrical performances.
Pascha is a brothel in Cologne, and it stands for the largest brothel (Laufhaus) in Europe, with over a 1000 customers per day. The brothel is in function since January 1972 under the name of Eros Center, until 1995 when it got its final name – Pascha.
The house has 126 rooms with 7 floors. The prostitutes pay a fee of 180 Euros per day, the price includes meals, medical care, and a 20 Euro tax that the authorities collect. The women usually sit outside their rooms, while customers walk through the corridors looking for a prostitute. They can choose to live in those rooms for the effectiveness of the job, however some women tend to have their own apartment in Cologne.
A sexual activity with a prostitutes cost an estimate of 50 Euros.
The Three-color-house is the oldest and the biggest Laufhaus in Stuttgart (since 1957). The construction consists of 3 connected buildings, with rooms in the basement, and five floors with 24 rooms per house.
The Laufhaus is a strict brothel, with no additional bars or club space. At that time the city approved that the use of a house must strictly be a pure whore dorm, permitting access to the canteen, showers, sanitary facilities to their residents.
Popular Laufhauses in Vienna, Austria
Just like in Germany, there are no food or drink bars, so that the customers will only stay for the sex time with no retention. Price range from 50 Euros for quick sexual services and the more time you take, the more the cost.
Juchgasse 11
Juchgasse 11 is the oldest Laufhaus in Vienna, established in the 1970s. It’s located in the town center, in a building, on the 9th floor, with 25 rooms.
Talking with the girls here is even commendable, so that the customer that is taking service feels comfortable and secure, as the Juchgasse policy is Der Kunde ist bei uns König (The customer is a King).
House 4 Love
House 4 Love is located in a hotel with 2 floors and 15 rooms. All of the rooms acquire everything that a regular hotel has, such as TV’s, Internet, hot tubs and other.
The Laufhaus also has BDSM chamber for its customers. Since the girls determine the price, you can’t find the prices on the internet, instead you must contact the Laufhaus by phone, or in person. Customers can freely walk through the house, talking to any girl he wants.
Other Laufhauses
- Kontakthof
- Eros Center
- Laufhaus in Breitenfurterstraße (street)
Popular Laufhauses in Switzerland
Das Rote Haus
Like the info on the site claims, the Red House isn’t a club or a studio, but a place of sensuality, eroticism and sexuality. You can contact the girls directly by phone to arrange an appointment with them, as they will give all the details of the address and location.
If you want to use the sexual activity of a girl in a different way, Das Rote Haus offers a Domina Place in the industrial area of Winterthur, where you can play games with toys. The prices are listed officially on their site.
Other Laufhauses
- Erosworld
- Petit Fleur